Workshop 11

Contested Knowledges in Historical North American Contact Zones

Alexandra Ganser (Vienna) | Gesa Mackenthun (Rostock)

Location: HS V

Andreas Beer (Konstanz)
The Role of ’Open Indigeneity’ in the Hemispheric Knowledge Landscapes of the Americas

Barbara Buchenau (Duisburg-Essen)
Conceptualizations of Space and Time in the Cartography and Ethnography of Early New England and New France

Oliver Scheiding (Mainz)
Native Agency and Empire Building in the Colonial Southeast

Martin Brückner (University of Delaware, Newark)
Chains, Veins, and Names: Imperial Cartography and Colonial Anti-Geographies in 18th-Century North America

Sebastian Jobs (FU Berlin & University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Uncertainty and Violence – Contested Knowledge of Slave Revolts in the Nineteenth-Century South