Workshop 9

The Campus Novel:
Literary Form as a Way of Knowing Institutional Structure

Dustin Breitenwischer (Freiburg) | Andrew Gross (Göttingen)

Location: HS II

Heinz Ickstadt (FU Berlin)
Beyond the Academic Novel: John Williams’s Stoner

Catrin Gersdorf (Würzburg)
The Hog on Campus: Jane Smiley’s Moo and the Object of Academic Education

Marek Paryz (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
The Other Side of Things: Science and Affects in Jonathan Lethem’s As She Climbed Across the Table

Clemens Spahr (Mainz)
Farcical Knowledge: Don DeLillo’s White Noise and the Critique of Institutional Knowledge

Sophie Spieler (FU Berlin)
“Men of Brains, of Courage, of Leadership”? A Discursive Re-Reading of Owen Johnson’s Stover at Yale

Johannes Voelz (Frankfurt)
The University of Ruins: Willa Cather’s The Professor’s House